Kristofer and Keath born May 1990
Lynzi born dec 1991
Remarried and gained Justin and Billy More…in 1996
Did things backwards, had kids first then went to college and got my teaching degree. Took me eight years, so I should have been a Dr. I can't believe I'm so old...oh, wait...SO ARE YOU!!!
I would rather forget those days, but it was fun being class favorite with Stan our freshman year...But not having to go sell yearbooks to businesses(they don't do any of that now).
I do miss BETH BRODDLE, Kim Hawkins, Rachel Loper, Shelley Grape and Noelle Mulhullen and a few others.
I really don't remember much about highschool except girls were really mean to me. BETH and I would hang out with guys cuz they were less drama(at least most of them were less drama). Our Senior year, I don't remember much of the after-prom-party at Cterlings, but I was told by Shelly at school that next Monday that an old flame held my dress up over my head while I walked around and I am still mortified to this day by that...I'm not sure if its true, but honestly I don't remember and I have no idea how I got home either. Can someone help me out on this one?